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Like A Paradise
Monday 11 March 2013 • 18:05 • 0 comments

#nowplaying- Teentop - Miss Right

As i thought that it was the WORST sweet sixteen for me, i was wrong. Many accidents had happened during March, like my friend having her leg injured during March. And many unpleasent stuffs had happened, i thought my friends wouldn't remember my birthday. I argued with my friend for quite some time, and thought that no one actually cares about me, but defintely, i was wrong. They celebrated my birthday for me even though its a day late, they organize outing for me, and i was really actually surprised that they celebrate for me the cake not once but TWICE. I was literally shocked when my friend suddenly came in with a cake at the Mac Donald, like literally. Im so glad that i have them as my friends, and i really do appreciate it alot, ALOT.


Thank you syidah for the day and presents even i know they are all from whitesands, HAHAHHA.
Thank you charmayne for the topshop(?) socks!! its so cute!
Thank you ryan for the etude house lipbalm when i requsted for it hehehe.
Thank you dom & kui for the cakes/cupcake!!

So as for today, i did not went to school, apparently im sick + having headache. Argh must be me eating too much of pepperlunch these days hehehe. Well, i dont think i could afford getting sick anyway, its gonna be N level soon. Oh no wait. Should be O level MT. SHITTTTTTT im really sacred bcos its happening on JUNE. mother fucking JUNE OMFG srsly im going crazy. I dont even know why did i take O level MT, srsly celine srsly????? But well whatever, im just gonna give and do my best, and whatever the results are, im just gonna depend on it and see which school i will go. I was planning to go to sec5 because i dont think i have any idea on where i would want to go... I was aiming for the pfp but i think its really impossible because only like 7% of this school people will get in? And we're competing with the whole singapore schools... so yup, HIGHERNITEC/SEC5 HERE I COME!!! I dont want to study so hard and then go nitec, i wanna at least go highernitec then to poly then maybe work/university? i dont really have much idea actually.. My dreams.... I dont really have a dream. Yes i do, but i guess it's unrealistic? I wanted to be a singer/actress since i was in my primary school, but i guess im just not taleneted and open? I participated this chinese tv programme when i was in p5/6(?) and i failed hahahahaha failure me.

Oh god, im craving for apple crumble omg omg omg omg shit hahahhaa. Oh and yes, CLV(Cest La' Vie) is this SATURDAY OMFG SHIT JUST GOT REAL. HAHAHAHA. I havent choose what i would want to wear... Its like a prom for the sec4NA since we dont have a prom =_= this school should have a school prom with 4ENA5N seriously, we are also a graduating class, so why cant the 4NA have prom as well instead of some lame tea party or whatever you called it?

Well, i think im just gonna update this blog on sunday? After my CLV experience :) Thank you for reading whoever you are :)

xoxo, The Shining Star


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