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Like A Paradise
Monday 10 November 2014 • 01:02 • 0 comments

Hello! This is a late post regarding about my experience in my school's 4E5N convocation, in my school, convocation is only for the graduating O level classes and its a once in a lifetime experience unless you're coming back next year again to study.. hahaha! Anyway, here are some pictures I would like to share, its a really memorable day for me because its the day where I've worn the graduation robe/gown!
with Natreeshea
Miss Wee! Cute and lovely Chemistry teacher!
Thanks ms tay for sticking with us girls for a solid 5 years :)
The nicest and coolest Chinese teacher you could've ever request! 

a BIG THANK YOU to my lovely 5A1! It seems almost as if we're a girl class! hahaha! Days where we have internal fights and argues but thanks for all the good memories for this year! Loving all of you! <3
really wise quote that my school has!
"Success is just a matter of attitude" I think this could apply to anyone at any situation, I believe that if you strive for success, it all depends on each individual attitude. If one is lazy, how would they have success? Hardworking people would have more success and they will feel better about their own success as it is something they worked hard for and getting their own success is just a "small reward" for themselves. I kinda look really ugly on that day but blehhhh its okay looks isn't everything! hahaha! Alright shall end my blog here, goodbye and have a nice day ahead!

xoxo, The Shining Star


Hello! Just your 17 year old teenager blogging down her life experiences! bold italic underline strike

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