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Like A Paradise
Its been a LONG time!
Monday 10 November 2014 • 00:47 • 0 comments

Hello readers! How have you been? I sincerely apologize for not blogging anymore for those who have actually read my blog post haha! Well, today marks the day of the end of my O level examination! I cant even believe I completed O levels already... WOW time flies.. I honestly hope that I would be happy with my results next year and not cry over it because I really put in effort on my maths and other subjects...
Now I have nothing to do at home hmmm I really want to play SIMS4! omg I watched pewdiepie play and it seems REALLY fun!! I think i'll basically be spending my time on blogging! Love blogging! It makes me express my feelings in a more " secretive " way? hahaha!

OH and I have some artworks that I would wish to share with you readers! All the artworks I've drew is base on the original picture that I've found on google! Enjoy seeing my drawings and I do hope you would give some comments about it!

Anne Hathaway as Mia

Anne Hathaway as White Queen

Anne Hathaway as Fantine

Anne Hathaway as Catwomen

F(x) Sulli

Emma Watson


These are all my hardwork, I've spent my time and effort into it, so before you want to save this picture and claim that you drew all these, think twice, its MY effort but nevertheless, I hope you all like these drawings and possible tag Zoe in it as seen on my Instagram! Also, if you all like my drawings, i'll draw more in future and upload in on my Instagram account which you can follow : Celinearielt . Thanks for reading, and have a nice day ahead! 

xoxo, The Shining Star


Hello! Just your 17 year old teenager blogging down her life experiences! bold italic underline strike

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