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Like A Paradise
Saturday 22 November 2014 • 21:54 • 0 comments

As seen on the title : TPRAWKS. YES, TPRAWKS! Let me share to you about my 3day xperience at TPRAWKS during the 17th-19th! Well me and my friend charmayne went for this event and I swear we did not regret a single bit for joining this! It was literally the most fun day camp I've been too! It really made me see how poly life actually works, and I would say its totally different from what you see in secondary school! The social culture and everything... TOTALLY DIFFERENT! Also, since me and char got into PUNKRAWK, we were obviously shy and awkward at first but then the PLs were really really nice towards us, they took good care of us, constantly fanning us to make sure we're not feeling hot and also asking us to drink up incase we're dehydrated! Let me sum up my xperience at TPRAWKS for the past 3 days!

Day 1 :
It was awkward but then we did many ice breaking games to know one another better! And I've met so many of my friends there even tho its awks to see them in TP.. HAHAHA! When we first did the mass dance, I was like WOAH WHAT but I was too shy uh so I pair up with char HAHAHA! It was really funny uh idk why also

Day 2 :
We played many ball games and although I didn't went for the dragonboating its still fun! But there was this game that I find it really lame.... the karate game thingy it was like.....zzz but overall still fun la! Then we also had our mass dance, this time I got paired up with a male lol. It was awkws la but then no choice also... so just dance and make new friends also not bad..

Day 3:
LAST DAY ): Well last day I think it was the BEST. We visited engine school WOOOP WOOOP! I love engine school! Omg I honestly dk why everyone I asked they all want go business school HAHAHA I like engine school!!! Actually I like engine only because of AMS uh hehe. When they say those interested in AMS please go I was like WHAT I never pay attention properly in the end 25 people went already.... End up we go to another course it was DAMN BORING!!!!! Then ya, after that we had a mini photo taking session I never take with my ec cos I shy HAHAHAHA!!!
Then jam&hop was damn fun I swear!!??!?!?!? We literally like go cray cray for 3hours???? It was tiring uh but fun uh! I scream until no voice HAHAHA this is the first time I dance and sing and scream until so cray HAHAHA?!??!? Then yeah after that we all went home arnd 11+? ):

Also yesterday(22/11/14) we all had a gathering at cine! IT WAS FUN!!! The chit chat session was damn fun! The PLs were so funny omg we all played games and chat until damn and yea my ec was there hehehehehe hmmmmmmmmmmmmm bahahahahhahhaha ok relax. Because we sat at the open space for quite a time and then we went to watch movie and then I got sick cos it was too cold HAHAHAH SAD!!??! But anyway the movie, Big Hero 6 was good it was surpringsly quite funny and emotional uh..
I honestly cant wait for the next outing!! Also, next year if any of you are thinking of going for TPRAWKS, then YES GO!!

Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!
xoxo celine

xoxo, The Shining Star
Monday 10 November 2014 • 01:02 • 0 comments

Hello! This is a late post regarding about my experience in my school's 4E5N convocation, in my school, convocation is only for the graduating O level classes and its a once in a lifetime experience unless you're coming back next year again to study.. hahaha! Anyway, here are some pictures I would like to share, its a really memorable day for me because its the day where I've worn the graduation robe/gown!
with Natreeshea
Miss Wee! Cute and lovely Chemistry teacher!
Thanks ms tay for sticking with us girls for a solid 5 years :)
The nicest and coolest Chinese teacher you could've ever request! 

a BIG THANK YOU to my lovely 5A1! It seems almost as if we're a girl class! hahaha! Days where we have internal fights and argues but thanks for all the good memories for this year! Loving all of you! <3
really wise quote that my school has!
"Success is just a matter of attitude" I think this could apply to anyone at any situation, I believe that if you strive for success, it all depends on each individual attitude. If one is lazy, how would they have success? Hardworking people would have more success and they will feel better about their own success as it is something they worked hard for and getting their own success is just a "small reward" for themselves. I kinda look really ugly on that day but blehhhh its okay looks isn't everything! hahaha! Alright shall end my blog here, goodbye and have a nice day ahead!

xoxo, The Shining Star
Its been a LONG time!
• 00:47 • 0 comments

Hello readers! How have you been? I sincerely apologize for not blogging anymore for those who have actually read my blog post haha! Well, today marks the day of the end of my O level examination! I cant even believe I completed O levels already... WOW time flies.. I honestly hope that I would be happy with my results next year and not cry over it because I really put in effort on my maths and other subjects...
Now I have nothing to do at home hmmm I really want to play SIMS4! omg I watched pewdiepie play and it seems REALLY fun!! I think i'll basically be spending my time on blogging! Love blogging! It makes me express my feelings in a more " secretive " way? hahaha!

OH and I have some artworks that I would wish to share with you readers! All the artworks I've drew is base on the original picture that I've found on google! Enjoy seeing my drawings and I do hope you would give some comments about it!

Anne Hathaway as Mia

Anne Hathaway as White Queen

Anne Hathaway as Fantine

Anne Hathaway as Catwomen

F(x) Sulli

Emma Watson


These are all my hardwork, I've spent my time and effort into it, so before you want to save this picture and claim that you drew all these, think twice, its MY effort but nevertheless, I hope you all like these drawings and possible tag Zoe in it as seen on my Instagram! Also, if you all like my drawings, i'll draw more in future and upload in on my Instagram account which you can follow : Celinearielt . Thanks for reading, and have a nice day ahead! 

xoxo, The Shining Star
Monday 11 March 2013 • 18:05 • 0 comments

#nowplaying- Teentop - Miss Right

As i thought that it was the WORST sweet sixteen for me, i was wrong. Many accidents had happened during March, like my friend having her leg injured during March. And many unpleasent stuffs had happened, i thought my friends wouldn't remember my birthday. I argued with my friend for quite some time, and thought that no one actually cares about me, but defintely, i was wrong. They celebrated my birthday for me even though its a day late, they organize outing for me, and i was really actually surprised that they celebrate for me the cake not once but TWICE. I was literally shocked when my friend suddenly came in with a cake at the Mac Donald, like literally. Im so glad that i have them as my friends, and i really do appreciate it alot, ALOT.


Thank you syidah for the day and presents even i know they are all from whitesands, HAHAHHA.
Thank you charmayne for the topshop(?) socks!! its so cute!
Thank you ryan for the etude house lipbalm when i requsted for it hehehe.
Thank you dom & kui for the cakes/cupcake!!

So as for today, i did not went to school, apparently im sick + having headache. Argh must be me eating too much of pepperlunch these days hehehe. Well, i dont think i could afford getting sick anyway, its gonna be N level soon. Oh no wait. Should be O level MT. SHITTTTTTT im really sacred bcos its happening on JUNE. mother fucking JUNE OMFG srsly im going crazy. I dont even know why did i take O level MT, srsly celine srsly????? But well whatever, im just gonna give and do my best, and whatever the results are, im just gonna depend on it and see which school i will go. I was planning to go to sec5 because i dont think i have any idea on where i would want to go... I was aiming for the pfp but i think its really impossible because only like 7% of this school people will get in? And we're competing with the whole singapore schools... so yup, HIGHERNITEC/SEC5 HERE I COME!!! I dont want to study so hard and then go nitec, i wanna at least go highernitec then to poly then maybe work/university? i dont really have much idea actually.. My dreams.... I dont really have a dream. Yes i do, but i guess it's unrealistic? I wanted to be a singer/actress since i was in my primary school, but i guess im just not taleneted and open? I participated this chinese tv programme when i was in p5/6(?) and i failed hahahahaha failure me.

Oh god, im craving for apple crumble omg omg omg omg shit hahahhaa. Oh and yes, CLV(Cest La' Vie) is this SATURDAY OMFG SHIT JUST GOT REAL. HAHAHAHA. I havent choose what i would want to wear... Its like a prom for the sec4NA since we dont have a prom =_= this school should have a school prom with 4ENA5N seriously, we are also a graduating class, so why cant the 4NA have prom as well instead of some lame tea party or whatever you called it?

Well, i think im just gonna update this blog on sunday? After my CLV experience :) Thank you for reading whoever you are :)

xoxo, The Shining Star
Monday 3 December 2012 • 02:06 • 0 comments

Please follow me on tumblr : 7infinite12exo

[FANACCOUNT] about #SMTOWNSG, but mainly im gonna say is about Exo.
Okay so, when they first announced there was smtownsg and exo was confirmed coming, I was superrrr excited, okay but that is not the point. I went for their stalking on the 22nd on their arrival. SM is really smart, they “fooled” everyone at the airport. Because in Singapore there is this exit called ” CIP ” which popular idols always took. But because i was stalking them, i knew they will be arriving by the CIP and also leave by there and those who dont know they arrived by CIP, the others just wait at the normal exit and only the dancers and staffs came out. LOL HAHAHAH.
Okay so my journey starts here. When exo came out, our van stalked them all the way. During the journey, i saw CHANYEOL agdhajfadladjaklda(my bias) because i had my fanboard and i put ” bbuing bbuing park chanyeol” and then….. chanyeol saw it he smile and wave towards me, extactly me because i was the only one who was holding the chanyeol fanboard. He at first tried to read what i wrote on the fanboard, and then when he read already he smiled and did bbuing bbuing back because i requested him through handsigns hahahah. I screamed, i was totally shocked and happy. Its like i was just stunned he did it back!! My friend was a D.O bias so D.O saw her and did a ” peace out ” sign to her. D.O kept playing around with my friend because she’s like the only D.O bias in the van. And then when they arrived at the hotel, they went to the back door entrance~ so i could not take any picture because it’s really far and i dont have a DSLR >< but i managed to catch a glance of Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Luhan.
And then we waited for a few hours, and the came out again. They went for the rehearsal. Although its super far but hearing their voices is already wonderful, we did like a ” mini fanchant ” for MAMA and History. And after that, they went back to hotel. OTL after that when i was otw home, they said Hyoyeon went to 7-11 to buy things. ): My friend said she saw Exo manager at the carpark holding around 3 boxes of pizza, so i think its most probably for Exo? Btw did i mentioned that F(X) was effing gorgeous. ^o^ and yup this is the end for DAY 1.
So DAY2 it was SMTOWNSG!! Although i did not buy the ticket, i went to the helix(?) which is the name of the bridge and watched the whole smtown. Yes, you can say i was watching free concert. It was totally clear view, i can see from the screen. Super clear. They start with F(X) and Sulli was gorgeous, i have a fancam of them. And yup after a few songs and all it was EXO!! Sobs, chanyeol was so happy! They had this dance battle and they performed MAXSTEP!!! Its not the full song, just like the intro part only. >< But when it was BOA performing Only One feat Sehun it started to drizzle. We actually still stand there until suddenly it rained so heavily, me and my 2 friends ran away from there when TVXQ was performing ” CATCH ME ” agfhjasdaldajl. We were totally drenched and everyone was staring at us -_- many people left when it started raining heavily -.- the idols can perform in the rain, and we’re just watching it, why cant they just seat there until the whole event ends? okay so after that i went home already~
DAY3. Its the day that they are leaving )): i managed to saw D.O haha his attracting pants. We stalked them again, and when we’re chasing, our van was BESIDE their van for very long, so my friend showed D.O her LED board again, D.O smiled and wave to her, he really interact alot with my friend!! Then my friend was a chanyeol bias, she she somehow handsigned with D.O to call Chanyeol to come his area, and D.O DID called Chanyeol to come and wave to us, Chanyeol waved to us!!!! Cant see his face but he was waving, but i think Chanyeol saw me instead LOL because my friend was at the driver seat, and i was behind her so, i think chanyeol saw me instead because im just directly opposite him… And then when we’re reaching the CIP area again ): Our van was opposite theirs again, everyone had their curtains closed except for Chanyeol, and chanyeol saw my fanboard and he keep looking and smiling and he somehow remembers me!! HAHAHA because he kept smiling to me :’) And yup after that they went into the CIP area. And that’s the end.
In this whole SMTOWNSG period, im really happy. Im really happy that i finally saw Exo, not really saw the whole members but at least i had interactions with my bias. And i just wanna say this, many people change to a Chanyeol bias because of the fanservice he gave during their stay at here. Just stick to your own bias and dont change because of a fanservice that they gave. And after i did bbuing bbuing back to chanyeol and he did it back to me, EVERYONE, literally EVERYONE copied what i did. I saw many people did bbuing bbuing to chanyeol. And im like W T F ??? Okay, this is the end. I will post a fanaccount of the BtoB sundown festival later. Thank you for reading this, everything i posted here 100% true and its base on my experience when stalking. :)

xoxo, The Shining Star
• 02:06 • 0 comments

Please follow me on tumblr : 7infinite12exo

[FANACCOUNT] about BtoB’s stay in Singapore for the fanmeet & sundown festival. They stayed for 4D3N.Im a YOOKMINHOON bias, so my focus will be more on them.
Day1 : Btob arrival supposed to be at 9/10.45pm, but they delayed til 11 or 11.30 like that then come out. Okay so when they came out, im not sure if the inside people got sing a HPBD song for Minhyuk but the people outside(which includes me) sang for him. We sang once Minhyuk came out, I wanted to pass a fangift to Sungjae but he did not took it, i think it’s because we’re too far apart. And yup, i took a polaroid of Minhyuk waving~ so that’s all for Day 1.
Day2 : It was the ” mini fanmeet ” for the idols for Sundown Fest, so 50 fans per group. I woke up at 4am+ because i really cannot sleep, i was too excited. I reached there around 7am with my 2 friends. My another 3 friends at there queued for me and they wrote me and my friends name to secure our spot. Because the event starts around 6pm-7pm so we really have nothing to do during the whole period. We went to watch Twilight and went to friend’s house to slack. LOL and around 5.30-6pm? they allowed us to queue at the event place, so we quickly ran up to secure our spots again. Funny thing is those who arent in the first 50 for BtoB all of them went to other idols like Anthony(?) and Liu Li Yang. And mostly fans at there were Melodys and Alice Nine fans and some anthony and li yang fans. We waited for about an hour or so, and they first start with Alice Nine. 2 of the members are kinda weird they keep looking at me and my friends, really. They keep appearing on our camera that they looking at us HAHAH OTL. They are really kinda handsome, they have those ” manga face ” ? keke, so after that is was Anthony then Li yang then after that BTOB!!!!!! All the 50 melodies went infront like really all ” chiong ” to the front, then suddenly the scariest thing happened. The barricades felled, and the other fans behind all rushed forward, seriously it’s super SCARY!! I think there were 3 people hurt.
Okay then when BtoB came out, i wanted to pass Minhyuk my fangift. Guess what? My dream came true. I shouted ” Ya!!! Minyuk minhyuk!! ” because my hands were literally infront of Minhyuk, so he stopped and look at me and eye smiled me and said ” thank you!! ^_^” i smiled and then he walked away. My friends saw and i was literally shocked!! Hahaha!!!! And then they slowly introduce themselves, i suppose Minhyuk saw my fanboard he gave me a SMIRK -_- and then Ilhoon also saw my fanboard he smile and keep nodding to it. LOL i swear Ilhoon was super weird he kept puting his hands up, he’s really cute!! And Sungjae is really really really tall T_T so when they allowed us to go up to meet and greet, NO ONE went up because everyone was busy taking pictures hahaha and the security just push people to go up. There was this really mean old lady security, she pulled my hair to ask me go up but i ran away from her because i wanna be the last to go up LOL HAHA.
So when i went up, i passed by Eunkwang( he was the first ) he said hello! i smiled and i went to Minhyuk, Minhyuk was busy finding something i think, that’s why the security ask me move infront, so i just like ran and wave to everyone and then i stopped at Hyunshik that area and said HELLO!! and he smiled, then i ran to Ilhoon and said ” oppar oppar look at this ” because i had a derp Ilhoon picture, then Ilhoon and Sungjae beside him looked at it, Ilhoon literally laughed at it and wanted to high5 with me at first but then he suddenly just like fist high 5(?) to me, but then i just use my hand and keep high 5 his fist, Ilhoon’s hands really very rough >< and then i wanted to go already but i did not get my poster idk why, then i was like ” omg i dont have my poster!!! ” then sungjae and ilhoon search for me, then i saw Peniel there have one, so i just take from Peniel and Peniel got a shocked LOL hahaha then he smiled and gave it to me and i said ” kamsahamida!!!” then he smiled back. Because i was soo happy i just walk off, then when i watch the fancams, i realize that Sungjae was actually looking at me and my fanboard all the time >< really, i watched the fancams of me and i swear sungjae was looking at me all the way and he was looking at the ilhoon fanboard though, and then when i walk off Ilhoon like waved byebye to me but i dint see and then sungjae bowed to me also i did not see )): sobs but it was all caught on the fancam ): here is the link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5UV61NjwB4 watch it around 2:00 and you can see me, so you’ll know what im trying to say :) And btw each member signed on each poster, and i got Eunkwang’s one~ Yup that’s the end for DAY2.
DAY 3 : It was Sundown Festival! I did not went for it, i watched it at the back of the concert! BtoB gave alot of fanservice and then Peniel took someone’s phone and selca! On Day3 i stalked them, then its like we did not know where BtoB went because they went the underground route. So after BtoB finished performing they went back to hotel by the underground route again, only 2 vans were stalking at that point. They were really tired and exhuasted, Eunkwang was super tired but he still smiled to us, they were really sweating alot especially Changsub… And around 25/30mins they came out again for finale through the underground route, and our van people were very organize, we stand one row and see them come out. Minhyuk saw me and my fanboard again and he smile and use his both hands to wave at me ^__^ and its only me bcos im the only Minhyuk bias at my area ~
My friend secretly took a video of it and i can see Minhyuk waving at me and Changsub too~ Because Changsub was the last to go in the van, so when i shout Changsub, he looked at me and smiled & waved~ :D and then after the whole concert ended and all, BtoB went back hotel through the main entrance~ I was beside their van only and Minhyuk look out and saw me!! He pointed at me and give me that ” eh is the same girl again?” look and waved happily to me because i waved to him. Minhyuk’s really cuteeee. I did not snap any polaroid though because im really afraid i might hurt their eyes or something… and then after that, they went in the lift. So peniel from the lift inside look down and i waved to him he waved to back. hehehe. This is all for DAY3.
DAY4: The day they leave )): I did not stalk on DAY4 because it’s really expensive my parents forbit me -.- so my friend who was stalking told me that on the last day there were alot of vans. Some were taxis and there were cars also… BtoB and their manager were really pissed off because they felt they dont have freedom. BtoB closed their window all the way, until when my friend said she and her van people wrote ” im sorry, dont get angry” on a ballon to apolgoize to BtoB then the noona saw and ask BtoB to look, when BtoB look already they said BtoB’s mood changed better. Some said the noona was touched and cried. o: because only my friend’s van did that ” im sorry ” thingy and BtoB recognize them because only their van is GREY in color. They dont allow photo taking but some still take -‘- and then my friend said because their van was infront of BtoB, then suddenly BtoB’s van speed up to go beside my friend’s van and Ilhoon showed them ” YES SINGAPORE ” so i think they most probably liked my friend’s van because they were really obedient, they did not take any photos or anything but other van people did. Yup around 9pm+ they came to the airport, i was there. Because BtoB and their manager planned to walk another entrance instead of the entrance we waited.
Then i saw something like BtoB’s van infront of us, and its really quite far if you were to run from my area to BtoB that area, so my friend started running forward then suddenly we saw many flashes around then me and my friend just run forward, and everyone were like ” why they run ” lol then we reach the counter area first, I was really really close to Sungjae. And then other fans all started running. I called ” Sungjae sungjae!!” then he turned and look at me, at ME ONLY cos i was the only one at there first then he said ” thank you ” when i wanted to pass him fangift. LOL my friend could be the witness, she saw Sungjae stopped and look at me and wanted to took the fangift but he said ” thank you ” instead. )): so i ran to minhyuk and tried to give him but the manager push my hand away -.- so i said ” ilhoon ilhoon” then he look and then say something like ” yes singapore ” and then slowly slowly they all checked in. And i only managed to took a polaroid of Peniel’s HAIR and Sungjae. LOL PENJAE FOREVER.
Then we ran to the depature viewing place, Changsub was walking and then we screamed so he got shocked and turned to look at us, then he waved. Then suddenly BtoB all got seperated. Penjae and Minhyuk went up to this ” kopitiam” then minhyuk saw me and the fanboard again then he waved!!! Then hyunshik and changsub went up after that, but i think they cannot see until their members so they came down and then suddenly ilhoon eunkwang and their 2 manager went up. SUPER FUNNY I SWEAR its like HS & CS went down and then IH & EK and 2 managers went up. Then because my friend was working INSIDE the terminal area, so i asked her to talk to minhyuk they all, so she went to the ” kopitiam” area and she talked to Peniel she said ” are you guys the korean group?” then peniel replied ” no ” LMFAO SERIOUSLY!??!!?? Then my friend just walk away, then my friend was talking to me halfway, she said ” whatever” so loud then Hyunshik was just infront of her then she said Hyunshik stared at her, then she still say Hyunshik and her keep on have eye contact. ahfakhjjgashdjkagasdjal
So yup this is the end for my BtoB’s experience and i somehow felt Minhyuk remembered me!!! He saw my fanboard since they first came and then for all the 4 days he saw me and my fanboard and i wore the same contacts and accesories for the 4days so yup :D SUPER HAPPY!!! And my friend said there were some ” fans” not happy when BtoB saw their apology on the ballons, i meant my friends were sincere in saying sorry since they stalked them and BtoB dosent like it, its so obvious. And there were so many fans on their depature because they knew about BtoB and their wonderful fanservices, for god sake. Please dont stalk a group if you dont like them and just want their fanservice. This is just plainly selfish, there are many REAL fans around and then people like you appear just destroys everything. And, respect the idol. If they say NO PHOTOTAKING, then stop it. You can just interact with him or something, that is just good enough. Thank you for reading this~ ^o^

xoxo, The Shining Star
Friday 19 October 2012 • 23:33 • 0 comments

Hello!! Had sooo much fun yesterday at Halloween Sentosa! At first, we planned to go to the USS one but duh its so expensive so we head to the Fort Siloso one. We spent fucking 2 hours seating at the bench calling every single of our friends to borrow us money because the ticket is $48 per person. And then krik krik krik after 2hours, finally 1 of the staff approached us and told us a package which cost ONLY $10 just to go in and get the atmosphere LOL. But defintely we had loads of fun!! Many ghost or witches were following us and scaring us! But Charmayne was defintely funny, she had staring contest with all the ghost. And there is this particular ghost he wore a pants and it looks like our school pants so we made fun of him! HAHAHA. Here are some photos we took!




So yup! Defintely enjoyed the whole day even though some things just cocked up, really felt terrible.. lol but nvm, i enjoyed! had many fun and laughters with friends! And a thing that i learnt, is never ever ever trust someone easily because they could easily just break your trust. Maybe because im TOO simple minded and my heart is really very soft i meant is like i really just listen what you say but yes, call me a fool or something because i think i am.. ): I really wished that no one will break my trust anymore, sick and tired of it. And yes, dont judge its book by its cover is fucking true, how many of a times people would just judge its cover first? Hah. Looks DOES matters, im just ugly. plain ugly and i will never dress up pretty just for you to see because you like my looks, you can just date with it yar? lol.Im not angry or whatever.. ok maybe that little tiny of angry but most of all, its dissapointment. And to end this, here is a picture of me desy char and syidah. HAPPY SWEET 16 MY DEAR DESY. HOPE YOU HAD A SPOOKTACULAR BIRTHDAY! :D

Fat legs me and fat hips. im a fatty. sobs D:

xoxo, The Shining Star


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